
Tuesday, 9 November 2010

NICK BRACKS: What is going on?

I have absolutely no idea why but my post on Nick Bracks has had 156 views and it seems to be getting around 10-15 more every day and I posted it over a month ago!?!?

I can't seem to work out why it keeps getting hits. There must be a glich somewhere.

Supposedly he is part of an exclusive, socialite crowd who often get invited to lots of events including the very best marquees of the Spring Racing Carnival - the lucky young man!

Nevertheless, just for fun thought I would put up some more photos of him haha
Nick Bracks
Love the suit! Photo also from Herald Sun
Photo by Rowand Taylor off Flickr

Nick Bracks
Photo from Herald Sun

1 comment:

  1. I'm jel...i need to get in with the crowed clearly! I want an invite to the private maquees at the races! Damn!


Tell me what you think - I love it & I'm excited by it! And will try to comment on your blog too!

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