Here are a few snaps from the races last Saturday. I had a fabulous day with friends at the Cox Plate races at Moonee Valley and even bet on the trifecta, my favourite horse Whobegotyou was in it too!
FUN, CREATIVITY, MUSIC, LAUGHS, INSPIRATION AND MOTIVATION to bring something interesting into your day
Thursday, 28 October 2010
I am a big fan of receiving my Daily Love email in my inbox every evening. For those of you who don't know about it, it is just like an e-multivitamin - basically a nice message with a quote or two and affirmation sent in your email. The creator of it, Mastin Kipp, also writes a nice little message on it every day. I find the email really refreshing and mind balancing at times. Below is Mastin's message for today, I really liked it and thought it would be good to share on there as we often do forget how much control we have over our thoughts. Enjoy!
Many times we do not give ourselves enough credit for how much power we have over the course of our lives.
We outsource the cause of our suffering, grief, anger and resentment to other people, big companies, the government or a Higher Power.
But the truth is this. The way you see the world isn't how the world is - the way you see the world is how YOU are.
Since any reality can be created through the power of intention, the life you are currently living and the world you are experiencing today is totally a by product of your thoughts about life.
Choose to believe and act on the thoughts that feel the best (even if, and especially if, they seem unrealistic or impossible). Successful people don't hope or wish themselves into success. NO - they ALL persistently THINK and ACT their way to success.
Get in touch with your inspiration. Think thoughts in alignment with what inspires you. Take action from the thoughts that are in alignment with what inspires you.
Do this daily without giving up and eventually a whole new WORLD will be yours to experience.
Many times we do not give ourselves enough credit for how much power we have over the course of our lives.
We outsource the cause of our suffering, grief, anger and resentment to other people, big companies, the government or a Higher Power.
But the truth is this. The way you see the world isn't how the world is - the way you see the world is how YOU are.
Since any reality can be created through the power of intention, the life you are currently living and the world you are experiencing today is totally a by product of your thoughts about life.
Choose to believe and act on the thoughts that feel the best (even if, and especially if, they seem unrealistic or impossible). Successful people don't hope or wish themselves into success. NO - they ALL persistently THINK and ACT their way to success.
Get in touch with your inspiration. Think thoughts in alignment with what inspires you. Take action from the thoughts that are in alignment with what inspires you.
Do this daily without giving up and eventually a whole new WORLD will be yours to experience.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
This will turn you vegetarian. It almost did it to me. I think I gasped while watching this every 10 seconds. It is a trailer for what looks like a very eye opening documentary on the cruelty towards animals. Where I currently work, we work odd hours and have dinner provided. We were eating a casserole for dinner as we were discussing the effectiveness of the trailer - as it turned out many people left their meat in their bowls.
She will be sharing some of her dog wisdom on this blog occasionally.
This is her wisdom for today -
"Please do not disturb me when I am on the computer watching your TV shows like Gossip Girl and my favourite movie Milo & Otis. It is my time, no yours, ok? And for trying to boot me off lying on the bed, you need a reality check, I'm a modern house domesticated indoor friend, not a stray bogan dog. I like the finer things in life and that goes for brand of dog food as well, none of this Pal rubbish, I only like the My Dog add, the one with the little fluffy things who has a diamond colar on."
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
IT'S TIME FOR AFRICA: Would you like your meet from here?
Two years ago, I visited Kenya with my dad and his Rotary group, they were on a charity trip. It was an incredible experience, saw lots of places I would have never have had the chance to see like hospitals, orphanages, schools, lots of African animals and even their culture.
We visited the slums one day. Whoa, a very different experience. We walked around with secret police in front of us and behind us, not that I really noticed or knew that they were secret police until the end of the walk. The roads in the slums are very bumped as people go to the toilet in little plastic bags and throw it out onto the road. They live in some incredibly bizarre housing and all of it is so small. It was kind of like their own little weird village with strange shops in places and people sitting on the road on edge of their shanties selling stuff. It was busy by day but I wouldn't like to think of some of the horror stories that would go on there at night.
Nevertheless, below is a photo I took of a 'butcher' that exists in the shanty. Not too sure if I'd like my meat from there.....
We visited the slums one day. Whoa, a very different experience. We walked around with secret police in front of us and behind us, not that I really noticed or knew that they were secret police until the end of the walk. The roads in the slums are very bumped as people go to the toilet in little plastic bags and throw it out onto the road. They live in some incredibly bizarre housing and all of it is so small. It was kind of like their own little weird village with strange shops in places and people sitting on the road on edge of their shanties selling stuff. It was busy by day but I wouldn't like to think of some of the horror stories that would go on there at night.
Nevertheless, below is a photo I took of a 'butcher' that exists in the shanty. Not too sure if I'd like my meat from there.....

Tuesday, 12 October 2010
IS SHE REALLY? Minka Kelly, supposed world's sexiest woman
Esquire magazine has labelled Minka Kelly as the world's sexiest woman. Right. How did they decide this? Who decided it? I just don't get it. But I don't mind that she won because she has brown hair and so do I, sometimes I wonder if men really do prefer blondes? as the saying goes. I've never seen her in anything but she was supposedly in that old boring movie Friday Night Lights. I must have, however, she is not doing too badly for her 30 year old age. What do you think of her?

BOOK TO READ: Man Bites Murdoch

Personally, I have a facination on anything that has to do with Rupert Murdoch. He is an incredible man who has come from Australia to go on to conqueur the world. If you really think about it, he is one of the most powerful people in the world. The book above that comes out at the end of the week, seems like a very facinating account of the world of newspapers that Gurtherie worked in for 40 years. He is a snippet off the Readings bookstore website that makes it sounds incredibly good. Love the design of the front cover too.
"Man Bites Murdoch is Bruce Guthrie's explosive account of almost 40 years in the news business, his brutal dismissal from Australia's biggest selling paper, the celebrated court case that exposed the inner workings of the world's biggest media company, and the treachery of its most senior executives.
Guthrie survived tuberculosis, Melbourne's gritty northern suburbs and a boss who twice tried to sack him in his first six months in newspapers, to become a foreign correspondent and then one of Australia's feistiest and most controversial editors. His CV boasts editorships of The Age, The Sunday Age, Herald Sun, Who Weekly, The Weekend Australian Magazine, even a high level stint at America's celeb-news bible, People. Then, just as he claimed one of the industry's most glittering prizes, he fell foul of Rupert Murdoch and his henchmen, who promptly dispensed with his services. What would any self-respecting Broadmeadows boy do in such circumstances? Sue them, of course."
Saturday, 9 October 2010
This commercial I have forgotten about for years! Have no idea why but it popped back into my head before. So thank-you modern technology and youtube, I found it again. It is by far, the most inspiring, best commercial I have ever seen. I used to be obsessed with it when it first came out. If you need something to give you a boost for the day, I hope this is it. The ad is superb and it even features the now old golden boy of swimming, Ian Thorpe. As well as David Beckham and Muhammed Ali. Don't really like Ali's pretend camera punching though at the end. But the rest is great.
Voice over -
Some people listen to themselves
Rather than listen to what others say
These people don't come along very often
But when they do, they remind us
That once you set out on a path
Even though critics may doubt you
It's ok to believe there is no can't, won't or impossible
They remind us that it's ok to belive
Impossible is nothing
Voice over -
Some people listen to themselves
Rather than listen to what others say
These people don't come along very often
But when they do, they remind us
That once you set out on a path
Even though critics may doubt you
It's ok to believe there is no can't, won't or impossible
They remind us that it's ok to belive
Impossible is nothing
Friday, 8 October 2010
GALLOP GALLOP: My Cox Plate races dress
Below is a little sneak peak at my Cox Plate Moonee Valley Races dress! I go every year and always have an fabulous time with my friends and the other one called Champagne haha. As most girls are with new dresses, I am very excited about wearing it. It looks gorgeous on and cost a fair price of $130 from Sportsgirl. Any tips on whether I should go facinator or hat? Any where you know has amazing good black heels for a good price?
GREAT NEW SONG: Katy Perry, Firework
Heard Katy Perry's new song in the car tonight...must say it is pretty good! Perry seems to be quite a goal hitter at the moment with lots of catchy and good songs. Pity she could not be on Seasame Street, I thought the parents who got upset about her clothes must have be very thick and boring people! I've got a feeling some DJ will make a good remix to this song and no doubt it will be played on a television telecast of New Years.
Love this part of the lyrics:
You don’t have to feel like a waste of space
You’re original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe you’re reason why all the doors are closed
So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it’s time, you’ll know
Love this part of the lyrics:
You don’t have to feel like a waste of space
You’re original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe you’re reason why all the doors are closed
So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it’s time, you’ll know
fun music,
good music,
Katy Perry,
new song,
New Years,
russel brand,
VIRAL COMMENTER: Kevin from Double Bay
Much of my time over yesterday and today has been spent laughing at the silly comments on an article on by a man call Kevin from Double Bay. I have since found out he is a viral commenter with a very snobby sense of humour. Have a look...
Read comment 22 and 66 on the article
Kevin of Double Bay Posted at 2:08 PM October 07, 2010
This type of ghastly behaviour seems to be on the rise from economy class passengers. When will airlines finally install security barriers between economy and business and first class sections of the aircraft so that high yield passengers such as myself and my chums can travel without fear or intimidation. Another proactive move would be to ban alcohol for anyone not seated in business or first class. It̢۪s time the airlines worked to restore some social ambience back into aviation.
Comment 21 of 114
Kevin of Double Bay Posted at 3:18 PM October 07, 2010
I am rather aggrieved that some have chosen to take my comments in an incorrect context. I have flown economy once in Australia in 1997 and it was an abhorrent experience. The cuisine was basic at best, the face wipe arrived in a small packet that obviously was not sealed properly as it was dry when I attempted to use it and after waiting exactly 12 minutes for a flight attendant , I tried to order a Pimms as an after dinner drink and was told none was available. As a regular traveller and a member of various airline lounges I found the experience almost debilitating hence the reason I choose to fly as close to the front of the aircraft as possible. I am sure after such a flight many of you would do the same.
Comment 66 of 114
Kevin also strikes again here
With is hilarious comment:
“I guarantee he was not travelling 1st class let alone business class. My son Winston, who is privately educated, often comments on the type of individuals he sees behind the curtain. Short sleeve shirts, yellow rimmed sun glasses, ink tattoos and often piercings. I have no doubt the yobbo had too much alcohol which should not be served to this type of person......they do not have metabolism to handle alcohol at high altitude.
Posted by: Kevin of Double Bay of Double Bay 1:42pm today
Comment 26 of 35”

Someone is clearly very you know of other viral commenters like this?
Read comment 22 and 66 on the article
Kevin of Double Bay Posted at 2:08 PM October 07, 2010
This type of ghastly behaviour seems to be on the rise from economy class passengers. When will airlines finally install security barriers between economy and business and first class sections of the aircraft so that high yield passengers such as myself and my chums can travel without fear or intimidation. Another proactive move would be to ban alcohol for anyone not seated in business or first class. It̢۪s time the airlines worked to restore some social ambience back into aviation.
Comment 21 of 114
Kevin of Double Bay Posted at 3:18 PM October 07, 2010
I am rather aggrieved that some have chosen to take my comments in an incorrect context. I have flown economy once in Australia in 1997 and it was an abhorrent experience. The cuisine was basic at best, the face wipe arrived in a small packet that obviously was not sealed properly as it was dry when I attempted to use it and after waiting exactly 12 minutes for a flight attendant , I tried to order a Pimms as an after dinner drink and was told none was available. As a regular traveller and a member of various airline lounges I found the experience almost debilitating hence the reason I choose to fly as close to the front of the aircraft as possible. I am sure after such a flight many of you would do the same.
Comment 66 of 114
Kevin also strikes again here
With is hilarious comment:
“I guarantee he was not travelling 1st class let alone business class. My son Winston, who is privately educated, often comments on the type of individuals he sees behind the curtain. Short sleeve shirts, yellow rimmed sun glasses, ink tattoos and often piercings. I have no doubt the yobbo had too much alcohol which should not be served to this type of person......they do not have metabolism to handle alcohol at high altitude.
Posted by: Kevin of Double Bay of Double Bay 1:42pm today
Comment 26 of 35”

Someone is clearly very you know of other viral commenters like this?
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
SHE'S BACK: Capucine the cheeky little french girl
She is in a previous post here where she tells an incredible fairytale but this clip is just so cute!
If you remember back to when you were little and you did something naughty like stealing lollies but wanted to hide from mum or dad - this clip is a perfect rendition of that.
It's short, fun, incredibly cute and cheeky! An added cute bonus is that she speaks in French but don't worry there are sub titles.
If you remember back to when you were little and you did something naughty like stealing lollies but wanted to hide from mum or dad - this clip is a perfect rendition of that.
It's short, fun, incredibly cute and cheeky! An added cute bonus is that she speaks in French but don't worry there are sub titles.
Isn't he absolutely gorgeous and obviously has a talent for music!
Like it how he gets all angry when he says, 'Better, better, better ahhhh'
While we are metioning the song 'Hey Jude' by the Beatles - thought I would share some background information on the song and put it below. Paul McCartney wrote the song in 1968 to comfort John Lennon's son Julian during his parents' divorce, as he had had an affair with Yoko Ono. More than seven minutes in length, "Hey Jude" was, at the time, the longest single ever to top the British charts. Cynthia Lennon recalled, "I was truly surprised when, one afternoon, Paul arrived on his own. I was touched by his obvious concern for our welfare.... On the journey down he composed 'Hey Jude' in the car. I will never forget Paul's gesture of care and concern in coming to see us."
The song's original title was "Hey Jules", and it was intended to comfort Julian Lennon from the stress of his parents' divorce. McCartney said, "I started with the idea 'Hey Jules', which was Julian, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better. Hey, try and deal with this terrible thing. I knew it was not going to be easy for him. I always feel sorry for kids in divorces ... I had the idea [for the song] by the time I got there. I changed it to 'Jude' because I thought that sounded a bit better.
Like it how he gets all angry when he says, 'Better, better, better ahhhh'
While we are metioning the song 'Hey Jude' by the Beatles - thought I would share some background information on the song and put it below. Paul McCartney wrote the song in 1968 to comfort John Lennon's son Julian during his parents' divorce, as he had had an affair with Yoko Ono. More than seven minutes in length, "Hey Jude" was, at the time, the longest single ever to top the British charts. Cynthia Lennon recalled, "I was truly surprised when, one afternoon, Paul arrived on his own. I was touched by his obvious concern for our welfare.... On the journey down he composed 'Hey Jude' in the car. I will never forget Paul's gesture of care and concern in coming to see us."
The song's original title was "Hey Jules", and it was intended to comfort Julian Lennon from the stress of his parents' divorce. McCartney said, "I started with the idea 'Hey Jules', which was Julian, don't make it bad, take a sad song and make it better. Hey, try and deal with this terrible thing. I knew it was not going to be easy for him. I always feel sorry for kids in divorces ... I had the idea [for the song] by the time I got there. I changed it to 'Jude' because I thought that sounded a bit better.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
On Saturday at midday, my old boss, rung me up as he needed an article written on an old, well known local identity who has died during last week - he also wanted an article that would give a better insight into the gregarious character of the well loved man than the competing newspaper did. I got to work on Sunday with the article and interviewed a few people as well as taking some photos of old photos of him. And to my great surprise got a lovely text message today from my friend who is the production manager saying it turned out to be a front page article! I was thrilled!
Have a read if you like, the article is on an old man called Rex 'China' Gilbert - he was big personality and cheeky character. Makes for quite an interesting article that anyone can understand.
Incredibly, a very spooky moment happened when I was at the Surf Club in their office doing an interview, an old friend of his 'Ming; rung up to see when his memorial service was on and shared some memories of China with me over the phone. This was one of those articles where I am sure there were some extra forces in the universe causing it to happen for a reason. I just have a feeling about it.
It was not printed in the article but I was told the cheeky and friendly man loved the ladies, especially air hostesses in his younger days and he would tell his grandson not too drink too much at the pub but was always the last person to leave the pub himself a little worse for wear hehe! But he was a friend to all and is expected to have thousands at his memorial service - now isn't that a beautiful reflection of living a full life, having so many people feel that you have been a friend to them? He sounded like an amazing man.
p.s. Surf Coast Times is also a highly interesting community newspaper - worth having a look at :-)
Have a read if you like, the article is on an old man called Rex 'China' Gilbert - he was big personality and cheeky character. Makes for quite an interesting article that anyone can understand.
Incredibly, a very spooky moment happened when I was at the Surf Club in their office doing an interview, an old friend of his 'Ming; rung up to see when his memorial service was on and shared some memories of China with me over the phone. This was one of those articles where I am sure there were some extra forces in the universe causing it to happen for a reason. I just have a feeling about it.
It was not printed in the article but I was told the cheeky and friendly man loved the ladies, especially air hostesses in his younger days and he would tell his grandson not too drink too much at the pub but was always the last person to leave the pub himself a little worse for wear hehe! But he was a friend to all and is expected to have thousands at his memorial service - now isn't that a beautiful reflection of living a full life, having so many people feel that you have been a friend to them? He sounded like an amazing man.
p.s. Surf Coast Times is also a highly interesting community newspaper - worth having a look at :-)
Monday, 4 October 2010
RANDOM FINDS: This is what happens when you search 'Funny photos' on Google
Had a silly moment and typed in "Funny photo" on Google -well that just unleashed a whole lots of amusing images to come up and thoughts of, "oooo that would be good on my blog...oh and that...oh and I don't know why I would put it up but it would be funny" And before I know it this well become a blow devoted to 'Funny photos' which is not by really my ideal aim.
So I thought the best solution to this would be just to post some of the images below for you to have a laugh with. Enjoy and tell me what you laughed at if you feel like it.

So I thought the best solution to this would be just to post some of the images below for you to have a laugh with. Enjoy and tell me what you laughed at if you feel like it.
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Crazy kid |

Oh dear! |
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Not a fashion blog but this is some strange fashion. |
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Poor American's! |

QUOTE-A-THON - A fun blog find
There is this fun blog I've been following called Bits of Truth...All Quotes - it basically has photos of quotes and pictures, like the ones you see in giftware shops to give your Grandmother to put on her fridge but a little bit more daring and fun.
Take a look at her blog, it's FANTASTIC and a good bit of daily inspiration and below are some good ones I've picked out for you.

Take a look at her blog, it's FANTASTIC and a good bit of daily inspiration and below are some good ones I've picked out for you.

SILLY BOY: Nick Bracks
This post is going to be fun - I can combine some man body appreciation with a story in the media.
Silly little Nick Bracks (for those who don't know, he was the old Victorian Premier, Steve Brack's son who was in the spot light for drink driving and writing off a car 4 years ago to then become an aspiring model - he is now a bit of a Melbourne party boy)
He is in the media spotlight at the moment for being arrested for being drunk in public, you can read about it here.
There are two things that I had a little giggle about in the article -
The 23-year-old aspiring model was arrested early on Friday after being found passed out outside the St Kilda Police Station. - Oh dear, is that not the worst place ever to found passed out?!?! Sounds like someone dumped him there...
Bracks was arrested after being found unconscious. - I didn't know unconscious people could be arrested...
Funnily enough, this boy is my Facebook friend. Yep we go way back...well not really, we've never even met. It came about last year, I am a tutor on the side as a hobby and for extra cash, I received a phone call from someone wanting university level economics tutoring. Unfortunately that is not my forte, so I told the person on the other line to look me up on facebook, add me and I could send him a message with some contacts. I thought it was actually quite clever because I could see who the person was I was passing on the contacts (of my friends) too - however, my boyfriend at the time thought I was very silly and stupid for telling someone to add me on Facebook that I didn't even know. Next thing I know though, the person who has added me is Nick Bracks! I didn't realise I was speaking to him on the phone and he was actually really lovely and polite. Ripper! haha
Anyway forget about the rest and enjoy the photos below -

Silly little Nick Bracks (for those who don't know, he was the old Victorian Premier, Steve Brack's son who was in the spot light for drink driving and writing off a car 4 years ago to then become an aspiring model - he is now a bit of a Melbourne party boy)
He is in the media spotlight at the moment for being arrested for being drunk in public, you can read about it here.
There are two things that I had a little giggle about in the article -
The 23-year-old aspiring model was arrested early on Friday after being found passed out outside the St Kilda Police Station. - Oh dear, is that not the worst place ever to found passed out?!?! Sounds like someone dumped him there...
Bracks was arrested after being found unconscious. - I didn't know unconscious people could be arrested...
Funnily enough, this boy is my Facebook friend. Yep we go way back...well not really, we've never even met. It came about last year, I am a tutor on the side as a hobby and for extra cash, I received a phone call from someone wanting university level economics tutoring. Unfortunately that is not my forte, so I told the person on the other line to look me up on facebook, add me and I could send him a message with some contacts. I thought it was actually quite clever because I could see who the person was I was passing on the contacts (of my friends) too - however, my boyfriend at the time thought I was very silly and stupid for telling someone to add me on Facebook that I didn't even know. Next thing I know though, the person who has added me is Nick Bracks! I didn't realise I was speaking to him on the phone and he was actually really lovely and polite. Ripper! haha
Anyway forget about the rest and enjoy the photos below -

Herald Sun,
Nick Bracks,
THINKING MUSIC: Above the clouds
This song has been part of a Chill Out sessions album that has been on my iPod for ages. Yet I have never really listened to it in full because the beginning is not all that captivating. However while on a long drive on the weekend, it started playing and I didn't press to the next long, just let the song go. And discovered that it is fantastic thinking music! I found the song really motivating and fun, it put me in a good mood and made me feel like I wanted to go out there and get on with things. Hope you enjoy it and may it have the same effect on it.
If you know any similar songs, please shout out!
If you know any similar songs, please shout out!
OVERRATED: UCI World Championships
Does anyone follow the cycling?
Last week the UCI World Championships were on in Geelong - the area that I work in.
A month before we had had this big meeting about how they were going to cause dramas with parking and they were going to be huge, well I've got on word for you OVERRATED - parking was easy to find and it took me less than 5 minutes more to get to work, than the predicted hour it was supposed to be.
There were not a lot of people at all watching the race and most of the Geelong residents who were looked as if they were wondering around aimlessly. I was most amused though at some of the die hard fanatics who actually rode their bike to see the bike race and stood on the side lines with their bikes - quite amusing, they probably thought they were getting in on the action. I was a little confused as to who was the professional on a number of occasions but you only have to look at someones gut hanging out to realise they are an amateur. I actually didn't even know who were the famous bike riders were and what was actually going on in the races, just that we had to wait a lot longer to cross the road as they waited for the riders to scoot up.
At a local park in Geelong there were all these gorgeous little food stands including Spanish, Chinese, Mauritian, Mayalsian etc, over 15 of them, but the poor things were not busy at all and there were hardly any customers.
Yes the race was great for future tourism but the television coverage made Geelong look prettier than it is and a lot busier. I hardly saw the race in the news either, it just seems like the cycling was as popular as lawn bowls.
Personally I just found the whole thing annoying. No more bike riders please.
Please note = These are views from Wednesday to Friday supposedly on the weekend, 150,000 went to watch.
Last week the UCI World Championships were on in Geelong - the area that I work in.
A month before we had had this big meeting about how they were going to cause dramas with parking and they were going to be huge, well I've got on word for you OVERRATED - parking was easy to find and it took me less than 5 minutes more to get to work, than the predicted hour it was supposed to be.
There were not a lot of people at all watching the race and most of the Geelong residents who were looked as if they were wondering around aimlessly. I was most amused though at some of the die hard fanatics who actually rode their bike to see the bike race and stood on the side lines with their bikes - quite amusing, they probably thought they were getting in on the action. I was a little confused as to who was the professional on a number of occasions but you only have to look at someones gut hanging out to realise they are an amateur. I actually didn't even know who were the famous bike riders were and what was actually going on in the races, just that we had to wait a lot longer to cross the road as they waited for the riders to scoot up.
At a local park in Geelong there were all these gorgeous little food stands including Spanish, Chinese, Mauritian, Mayalsian etc, over 15 of them, but the poor things were not busy at all and there were hardly any customers.
Yes the race was great for future tourism but the television coverage made Geelong look prettier than it is and a lot busier. I hardly saw the race in the news either, it just seems like the cycling was as popular as lawn bowls.
Personally I just found the whole thing annoying. No more bike riders please.
Please note = These are views from Wednesday to Friday supposedly on the weekend, 150,000 went to watch.
Very little crowds turned out to watch the UCI World Champions. Photos thanks to Geelong Advertiser. |
ON MY PLAYLIST: One Republic, Good Life
I wasn't too excited when I first hear this song but really liked the chorus. However I have since heard it a few times on the radio and it has really grown on me. It has previously been used in Gossip Girl and was featured in another trailer for Eat, Love, Pray (comes out Thursday! Hurry up Thursday!).
The lyrics are very carefree and relaxing, I like the angle and message that the song is trying to bring - just appreciate the experiences you are having, enjoy them, it's a good life. So what is there to really complain about?
[Verse 1]
Woke up in London yesterday
Found myself in the city near Piccadilly
Don't really know how I got here
I got some pictures on my phone
New names and numbers that I don't know
Address to places like Abbey Road
Day turns to night, night turns to whatever we want
We're young enough to say
Oh this has gotta be the good life
This has gotta be the good life
This could really be a good life, good life
Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight
Like this city is on fire tonight
This could really be a good life
A good, good life
[Verse 2]
To my friends in New York, I say hello
My friends in L.A. they don't know
Where I've been for the past few years or so
Paris to China to Col-or-ado
Sometimes there's airplanes I can' t jump out
Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now
We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e
What there is to complain about
[Bridge 1]
When you're happy like a fool
Let it take you over
When everything is out
You gotta take it in
[Bridge 2]
I feel like there might be something that I'll miss
I feel like the window closes oh so quick
I'm taking a mental picture of you now
'Cuz hopelessly
The hope is we have so much to feel good about
[Verse 2]
More lyrics:
The lyrics are very carefree and relaxing, I like the angle and message that the song is trying to bring - just appreciate the experiences you are having, enjoy them, it's a good life. So what is there to really complain about?
[Verse 1]
Woke up in London yesterday
Found myself in the city near Piccadilly
Don't really know how I got here
I got some pictures on my phone
New names and numbers that I don't know
Address to places like Abbey Road
Day turns to night, night turns to whatever we want
We're young enough to say
Oh this has gotta be the good life
This has gotta be the good life
This could really be a good life, good life
Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight
Like this city is on fire tonight
This could really be a good life
A good, good life
[Verse 2]
To my friends in New York, I say hello
My friends in L.A. they don't know
Where I've been for the past few years or so
Paris to China to Col-or-ado
Sometimes there's airplanes I can' t jump out
Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now
We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e
What there is to complain about
[Bridge 1]
When you're happy like a fool
Let it take you over
When everything is out
You gotta take it in
[Bridge 2]
I feel like there might be something that I'll miss
I feel like the window closes oh so quick
I'm taking a mental picture of you now
'Cuz hopelessly
The hope is we have so much to feel good about
[Verse 2]
More lyrics:
Saturday, 2 October 2010
More photos of the lovely Jasmine - she is a natural born model!
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Just a funny one of the cheeky girl! |

She will be sharing some of her dog wisdom on this blog occasionally.
This is her wisdom for today -
"This is Sally below - NOT me, I'm not that FAT (I'm trim, sexy and toned, I run around a lot). Sally was my mummy and daddy's dog before me, I think she died because she ate too much Chum but I don't know for sure, you know.
Sally left me a secret message in the kennel I inherited from her, it told me some special advice:
- If you bark at them a lot, you normally get your way
- You should take Jen Jen and Ritchie (my mum and dad) for walks everyday, pull harder if they are walking slow, they need the exercise.
- Jen Jen likes to watch Judge Judy every day at 3:30pm, you will become an expert on the law
- I have installed an invisible gas mask for you under the barbecue. Jen Jen and Ritchie some time fart a lot especially if you are sitting on their tootsies to get warm
- Make sure you give extra special attention to the lovely ironing lady Anne, she is fluent in dog language and loved to talk but only when Jen Jen is not looking and she brings you potato cakes every week - it's fantastic.
- Jen Jen and Anne are smokie bears, you will become addicted to nicotine
- Sneak into their beds for a cat nap, they don't mind and make sure you sit up high on their pillows for extra comfort
I would like to thank Sally girl for her advice, I really think it was nice of her. I really like her Chinese impersonation shot at the bottom, she was obsessed with Chiuwawa's, there were posters of them all over her kennel when I moved in.
Till next time, Tasha."
TIME FOR: A bubble bath
There is nothing better than a nice warm bubble bath. Relaxing. Dreamy. Luscious.
Benefits of having a bubble bath:
Here is a little photo me (left) with my sister Tamsin (right) after a bath when I was little - they always make me happy and giggly!
Benefits of having a bubble bath:
- - They are good for people with insomnia to relax them just before bed
- - Fantastic for dry, itchy skin
- - Unlike a shower, you can multi task in a bath and read a book
- - When you are in a bath, it is your time. Your time to relax.
- - They help the body sweat out toxins
- - They stimulate blood flow
- - They are a natural nasal decongestant
Here is a little photo me (left) with my sister Tamsin (right) after a bath when I was little - they always make me happy and giggly!
In regards to some similar personal issues my friend Caitlyn and I have been going through recently, she sent me this beautiful quote that she heard at the ending of Grey's Anatomy. I thought it was so beautiful, inspiring, poignant and amazing that I had to put it on here to remind myself of it and share it's love with others. Thank-you Caitlyn, you are a beautiful, kind hearted and gorgeous girl :-)
Its the way that people try not to change that is un-natural.. the way we cling to what things were instead of letting them be what they are. the way we cling to old memoreies instead of forming new ones.
Change is constant. how we experience change.... thats up to us.. it can feel like death or it can feel like a second chance at life.. if we open our fingers.. loosen our grips and go with it... it can feel like pure adrenaine.
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Caitlyn (right) and I before the races last year |
Change is constant. how we experience change.... thats up to us.. it can feel like death or it can feel like a second chance at life.. if we open our fingers.. loosen our grips and go with it... it can feel like pure adrenaine.
Friday, 1 October 2010
THE STYLISH BLOGGER AWARD: 6 Bloggers you should get on to!

I just received the stylish blogger award and I've only been blogging about a month but must admit, I love it! I am addicted at the moment, it is so much fun and so inspiring. I seriously go to bed thinking of blog ideas and it has got me away from checking Facebook - which is a good thing because Facebook can get a bit toxic and pointless at times.
A HUGE thanks to Becks and The City who passed on this award. She runs an awesome blog that is definetely worth having a look at. She interviews all sorts of journalists/magazine writers and makes a superbly interesting blog.By day, she works as a a mediator for Consumer Affairs. Yet by night, she lives out her passion as a magazine writer and non-fiction author which one day soon she will do full time.
As a part of my acceptance I must reveal 5 secrets about myself/blog.
1. I am secretly the writer of this post about an Anoyomous person who did work experience at Cosmopolitan magazine, supposedly once people at the magazine discovered it a few weeks ago, it was the 'buzz at ACP'
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Haha a work shot, "Hello...I'm so friendly, please buy" |
3. My middle name is Tabitha and no, it is not a witches or cats name.
4. I once talked my way into an opening night at a nightclub with a hugely long line that myself and 5 other girls were at the end of, by ripping out my journalist business card and asking i the "media" got preferential entry!
5. I don't like my job at the moment and spend a lot of time quickly checking the hits on my blog and trying to write some quick/entertaining posts so PLEASE comment if you can - it makes my day, seriously.
(but my photo on the left is one of my work shots for their catalogue)
Now, like the Olympic Torch, I must pass on the award to 6 other AMAZING and INSPIRING bloggers. Thought I would write a little review about their blogs too.
1. Laura Valerie from Life Beauty Laughter
This is one of my favourite blogs ever! It inspires me so much, Laura is an aspiring writer but judging from her blog she is going to go far from her incredible way with words and sense of knowing what readers respond to. She has an amazing eye for picking out things that are beautiful, touching and inspiring. Her posts often leave me with something to think about. If there is a blog that I'm hanging out to read the next post of, this is it! And if you are going to read any blog today, read this one, it's good for your soul.
I have to agree with blog heroine Sarah Wilson who mentioned her on her blog, she has a (exceptionally) nice eye for photos.
2. Stephanie Baker from Another Refreshing Creation
Stephanie is an amazing friend of mine. She has done many extraordinary things with her life, including working as a model in London which included making some celebrity friends and having a cheeky pash with a few too! We both kicked started our blogs around the same time and Steph's posts are always interesting, fun and cool - she doubts herself but she is actually a bloody good writer and her posts are easy to read and enjoy. She's definetly very talented!
3. Onika from A Freckle to The Left
I really like this blog. It is an awesome mix of fun, fashion and generally interesting things. Onika seems to have a good sense of humour too and a fun/cool/cheeky/smart vibe to her posts with great taste in photos. This woman is on the ball!
4. Aspiring Domestic Goddess from Domestic Divinity
I don't know what it is about this blog, but I love reading her posts. She has a fantastic layout, amazing taste in fashion in a cool way where she puts up photos of what she is wearing, she gives us cool like insights into her life and writes interesting things.
5. Becky Catto-Smith from Lyrics of Louise
Becky has an impeccable eye for fashion, her blog has been growing in popularity. I am not a huge fan of fashion blogs as I try to look for different things but this is one Fashion blog that is easy to enjoy, has interesting posts and Becky keeps up to date with what is going on in the fashion world in Melbourne. I'm sure it won't be long before we see her win Cosmo's Fun Fearless Female best blogger award!
6. Celeste from Melbourne Dating Chronicles
Girls will love this blog. Celeste only has a few posts but so far, I've loved ever one of one. She writes about her dating life in a really fun, interesting and cheeky way. Her latest post about the Ex-Footballer I was engrossed in and it left me shocked with my jaw dropping literally - a must read, fantastic! I've already recommended it to three other girls who have come back to me and said that they love it.
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